Organising Your Road Trip Departure
You've set the date, you've got your finances in check, set up is ready and you know which way you're heading. Yay! But now you come to the pointy end of the organising. Yep, the UN-fun stuff.
When you drive out the driveway, you want to be free of all those thoughts that would normally consume your mind. Did we turn the TV off? Did we throw out the left over milk? And the door. Did you lock the door?
We've been there, trust me, it's an awful sinking feeling. And it's eaten up my brain for so long, that I have had to come up with this checklist.
I had plenty of time to organise our last 2 week trek last year, which was a god send. When I thought of something that would need to be done, I wrote it in my 'bible' (which is my go-to book for our adventures). #mumlife
By the time we came to getting organised, my list was as long as the highway we drove! Not literally, but it certainly felt like it. From organising pet accommodation, to shopping, to preparing meals, servicing the vehicles, even using up the perishables so you don't come home to that all wonderful chunky out-of-date milk that you forgot to throw out!
So to minimise the chances of becoming overwhelmed, I categorised the list into different timelines. One month before departure, one week before etc.
This is the best thing I had come up with all year!
We've got over 70 things on this list that needed to be done before that particular adventure, but I've set it up giving the freedom of editing as I need to.
And now, you can use it too!
Within the download, you'll get:
*2 pages of all important jobs that need to be considered before departure
*Categorised into 4 different time lines
*Option to edit to suit your own lifestyle
*Check boxes to mark when the job is done, no more wondering!
*Add in extra items when you need to
*Edit to suit each different type / length of adventure
*Download, print, laminate and use over and over again!
This checklist has really given me the 'no pressure' approach to getting things organised so we can head off into the sunset with a clear and free mind! #vanlife
Ever wondered just what you will need for that exciting road trip? Check out our 10 page checklist pre-filled with over 800 items!
Check out our Pack Down Checklist
2025 Big Lap on a Budget