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Sleeping Bag Storage

Each and every short trip we make, there is always a new addition to our gear or to our routine. We learn as we go what is working best for us and what will make our trip easier, more enjoyable, or less chores. And this trip is no exception.

Let’s talk sleeping bags and storing these bulky things while travelling.

These really are an invention that people all over the world have embraced. The comfort of a blanket that can keep you warm in up to -8-degree temperatures. There are different sizes for different people, plus all you need to do is slide in them. You don’t need to worry about your partner stealing the blanket because this amazing invention literally wraps around you. Some of them even have hoods for comfort or extreme temperatures.

They can cost anywhere from the price of a cup of coffee right up to the cost of an expensive trip to the hairdresser. They come in different materials, different colours and the brands are endless. We use them in our caravan, the kids use them when they go for sleepovers, camping and I even have one on my bed as Mr tends to take the doona in his sleep, and winter is freezing where we live.

On this particular trip, the kids are using 2 sleeping bags each and I tend to find storing these oblong shaped pillow balls a little tricky at times. If we leave them on the dining set, they sometimes are found on the floor when we stop. If I put them on the floor out of the walkway down by my side of the bed, I can’t access my cupboard.

I think I have found a new way to store them! #caravanningstorage

When packing our van this trip, I decided to open up and put the sleeping bag under the quilt laid flat on the bed. I have my own which I leave zipped up on my side of the bed anyway, I add another zipped up one to Mr’s side of the bed to keep the height even. I then add 4 more which are opened up like blankets on top of those and then put the quilt on top.

The bed is a little higher, but there is another good use for these on the bed. When we are packing things away ready for travel, we put our recliner camp chairs, outdoor dining setting and a table on the bed and strap it down. With the extra bedding on top of the mattress now, it is giving extra protection from any potential damage to the mattress that may come about from the items we store on the bed while travelling.

It’s a win win. I also have a small space under a drawer which really won’t fit anything in. It’s a bit of a waste. So, with that in mind I have decided to keep the bags that the sleeping bags come in, in this useless space. Another win. #mumlife

So how did this work for us on this trip?

Honestly, the space we saved was great. The fact that the boys didn’t have to find extra room in their car was brilliant. It was already loaded to the brim with their swags which are both doubles, their bags with clothes, esky for roady drinks, snacks bags and random other stuff teenage boys carry. I could have fit them in the caravan rolled up in their bags but imagine the size of one sleeping bag in its’ bag, then times that by 6. No way. I would have been forever kicking them out of my way when I needed to get to something.

On the flip side, each time we moved I had to reset them all on the bed all over again. It was a little annoying and certainly added time to my job. A couple of times our son came into the van to grab them and messed my whole entire bed up (omg) when he pulled just 2 out. So that was a little interruptive too.

Finally, I found it to be the best idea to store extra bedding and sleeping bags. We certainly will be repeating this. As a whole, I give it 8/10. #storagehacks


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